Now i'll tell you story of a really mischievous fellow Name of that mischievous boy was Ganu Name of the Ganu's village was Mangaon in this Mangaon village there have been many small kids playing , All were Ganu's friends But this Ganu's father use to ask Ganu to require all the sheep for grazing He use to order Ganu to require all the sheep and move to jungle Let all the sheep have grass and you are taking care of them and keep a watch on them alternatively at some point a wolf will come and eat our sheep So Ganu keep proper watch on them. So poor Ganu had to prevent playing and take all the sheep for grazing There was a stone on which he use to sit down there He wasn't able to find out what should he do sitting there because none of his friends were there there was nobody to play and speak to him than what should he do He use to get bor...
story | short story | story in english | story for kids | story for kids with moral | story for kids to read | short story for kids | bedtime story